Solar parks and other investments.
Solar park portfolio:
The industrial holdings consists of a growing portfolio, and a solid pipeline, of solar parks in Italy. As of Q3 2022 Aega owns nine solar parks in Italy with a combined production of about 11,8 GWh per year. Our solar parks are benefitting from the Italian «feed in tariff» scheme. All our solar parks are wholly owned by Italian SPV’s and considerable effort is made to optimize financial and legal structure. Read more about them under the header our solar parks.
Other investments:
Norsk Solar AS
Norsk Solar is a fast-growing solar energy company based in Stavanger, with a focus on growth markets for solar energy. The company develops, builds, finances, and operates solar power plants globally. Norsk Solar is currently Norway’s largest privately held independent solar producer. Norsk Solar was established in 2017 by Valinor AS and a group of entrepreneurs.
Aega bought a minority stake in the company in November 2020 and are represented on the board of Norsk Solar by Nils P. Skaset.