
The Aega team represents diversified competence from operational, through financial and judicial experts. The team is very experienced and well suited to conduct transactions, operations and best practice ownership.

Aega also draws on support functions in both Italy and Norway. This includes in particular professional partners like Deloitte Legal Torresi e Associati 3F Advisor and Selmer.


Nils P. Skaset – CEO

Mr. Skaset (born 1974) is an experienced investment professional, director and executive. Educated from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH). He has extensive experience from working with both early-stage ventures, turn-arounds and mature companies and sectors. Until January 2020 he was on the Aega board of directors when he took a more active role to develop Aega further as group CEO. Skaset owns 294.265 shares in Aega.

Fabio Buonsanti – COO

Mr. Buonsanti (born 1985) is trained in Mechanical Engineering first and in Solar Energy later, Fabio earned a master’s degree (Hons) from SUM, University of Oslo. His academic background was achieved through an in-depth schooling in five different countries (Italy, Germany, Russia, Sweden, and Norway). Following a series of scientific articles published i.e. by the Columbia University (New York, USA), the University of Oslo and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Trondheim, Norway). Mr. Buonsanti has been part of Aega management since 2014. Buonsanti owns 16.249 shares in Aega.

Stine Sund – CFO

Ms Sund (born 1988) is an experienced finance manager who has held positions such as Financial-, Business- and Risk Controller. She also spent several years as a conultant in the Financial Risk & Enterprise Management department in KPMG and has held positions in Volkswagen Møller Bilfinans AS and Eika Group. Ms Sund holds a master’s degree from University of Stavanger as well as a a bachelor’s degree from Queensland University of Technology.  Today Ms Sund is part of TheVit that have supported Aega with financial resources the last years. 

Giacomo Branchi

Mr. Branchi has worked in the solar PV industry since 2010. He started as Construction manager in Juwi, one of Europe’s largest O&M and EPC companies within renewables, working out on the field office at construction sites. Mr. Branchi has served as technical manager for Juwi Romania, where he supervised the construction of a 23 MWp solar PV plant (built and connected to the grid in 4 months). From 2014 to 2016 he held the position of chief technical officer and attorney in Juwi Italy. Branchi has been part of Aega management since 2016.

Board of Directors

Halldor Christen Tjoflaat – Chairman of the Board

Mr. Tjoflaat (born 1969) is an experienced professional board member and an attorney at Law with private practise. Mr. Tjoflaat is working chairman of the board in Aega with special responsibility for the Italian SPVs and daughter companies in the group. Tjoflaat has been chairman since December 2017 and he controls directly 2.273.640 shares in Aega.

Kristine Larneng – Board Member

Ms. Larneng (born 1982) is an attorney-at-law and partner in Lynx, an Oslo based Law firm. She has extensive experience with investigations and disputes related to suspected financial crime and dispute resolution in general. In addition to serving on the Aega board she is board director in Dovre Group plc., a company listed on NASDAQ Helsinki. Larneng has been board member since December 2017.

Jan Peter Harto – Board Member

Mr. Harto (born 1955) is an experienced project manager from the offshore industry. He has long and extensive background from among others, the LNG industry. Harto has been board member since May 2020 and owns 403.522 shares in Aega.